Leah Crenwelge

Life after FHS has been pretty good. I went to Texas Lutheran College in Seguin and pursued the ever useful double major of Art and German. At least the German bit got me into an exchange program my junior year. I went to the really ugly town of Kassel in Germany. Despite the utter bleakness of the city, I had a really awesome time goofing around Europe for a year. I also met Zlatan, my hubby to be, the second week I was there. After graduating from TLC, I went back to Germany and did odd jobs for several years. Then things were getting pretty serious with hubby to be, so I moved to Zurich, Switzerland to be with him. We ended up having to get married cuz the Swiss wanted to kick me out (they’re worried that if too many foreigners move in, there won’t be enough chocolate for everyone). After 4 years in that really cute city, we were fed up with pea-soup fog that lasts for weeks on end, ridiculously high prices and Swiss Germans, so we moved to the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino where Zlatan grew up. We’re both much happier here.

I’ve been working as a translator for the same agency for almost 6 years now. I really love learning new languages and translating. Zlatan designs microchips and works with GPS. We got ourselves a cat 8 years ago, but haven’t done the kid thing yet.

We live to travel and go everywhere we can. We also like having friends over for special meals and going out. Zlatan got his sailing license last year so we round up people to go on trips on the weekends. I’m working on getting my license now. One of my fave things to do is little projects - like this website for instance.

Sardinia Sailing Pictures