Tisha Wahl Clements

 After graduating from Angelo State University in 1994, with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and a minor in Kinesiology, I entered the wonderful world of teaching back in Fredericksburg. It’s such a neat experience to teach alongside some of the teachers who taught me. I thoroughly enjoy teaching Kindergarten.  Everyday is an adventure when working with five year-olds!

In the summer of 2000, I fulfilled a life-long dream and traveled to Europe.  During my stay, I visited England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany and Amsterdam.  I learned so much about the world outside of my own little town. It was a fantastic experience! Even though my heart is in Fredericksburg, I would travel back to Europe in a heartbeat ... and in March of 2002, that is exactly what I did.  After marrying Michael Clements, the love of my life, on March 23, 2002, I traveled to Paris, France with my wonderful husband. Michael and I spent five blissful days on our honeymoon in the beautiful “City of Lights.” We have also enjoyed our travels to the Hawaiian Islands, Las Vegas, and the Bahamas.

In 2004, I completed my 10th year of service with the FISD.  At this time Michael and I were expecting twins, so I decided to resign from teaching and enjoy the day to day rewards of motherhood.  I am currently a very, very busy stay-at-home Mommy. Michael is an Investment Business Process Analyst for the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

We live in Fredericksburg, and are now enjoying the wonderful world of parenting, as we raise our twin boys, Connor and Cameron.